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Health Check Commands

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This page includes commands that can be executed for the Chef Automate cluster part of the Chef Automate High Availability (HA) system. These commands aid you in assessing the health and status of the components part of the HA cluster. It is highly recommended to run these commands on a test cluster before using them in a production environment.

Log Check Commands

The Chef Automate frontend and backend nodes service logs are available via journalctl from each node. You can identify the service by the name in the generated output preceding the logline.

  • Execute the journalctl --follow --unit hab-sup command to view the backend logs related to all hab services. Here, –unit displays the logs from the specified unit, and –follow means to follow the journal.

  • Use the grep command to filter the logs related to a specific service. For example, execute the journalctl --follow --unit hab-sup | grep 'automate-ha-elasticsearch' command to view the log of the habitat component in the Chef Automate frontend node.

  • Execute the journalctl --follow --unit chef-automate command to view the log of the frontend (chef-automate and chef-server instances) nodes.

  • Use the grep command to filter the logs for a single service. For example, run the journactl --follow --unit chef-automate | grep ingest.service command to view the ingest logs of the Chef Automate frontend node.

Health Check Service Commands

  • Execute the chef-automate status, command to SSH the frontend node.

  • Execute the hab svc status, command to SSH the backend node.

  • Execute the hab svc status, command to verify the health of any services on a node.

HA Nodes Status

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